Final Coaching Review

We offer final coaching to all Medical Technology graduates preparing for their Professional Licensure Board Examinations. This package does not include the full course review. It is highly recommended to undergo a full course review before enrolling into our Final Coaching as it may not be sufficient without the full course review program.


This review program is not recommended for undergraduates going for advanced studies.



Our final coaching review comes with recalls lectures, pre-board, and rationalization.


Mock-Board (Pre-Board) Examinations

Our pre-board exam serves as the predeterminant whether the reviewee is ready for the board examinations, the examination results speak volumes about which subject(s) the student needs improvement or requires more study or the foreseeable future that they will pass or fail the board examinations.


Available Schedules

March 2025 Final Coaching February 9, 2025
Enrollment Status: OPEN
August 2025 Final Coaching July 13, 2025
Enrollment Status: OPEN


Tuition Fees

Review Program Tuition Fee

Final Coaching Only

Includes: Auxiliary Review, Pre-Board & Ratio, and Final Coaching

Php 5,000.00


Enrollment Procedure

Before enrolling, please read our Policy Guidelines. You may process your enrollment for Onsite Classes via online.


STEP 1: Accomplish the requirements.

It is best recommended to prepare for the following requirements or documents before enrolling with us or before going to our office in person.

Our Requirements Final Coaching are:


ID Photo:

1 copy of 1"x1" ID photo

To be submitted in person if enrolling for face-to-face classes - this is for your Pioneer ID.
Not necessary if enrolling for online classes, but if you want to have a Pioneer ID, you may request one upon submission of your 1x1 ID photo.


1 copy of 2"x2" ID Photo for your Registration Form.


For graduates:
Transcript of Records or Diploma

If you do not yet have your ToR or Diploma, you may submit your current school ID, enrollment form, admission letter, or any supporting document as proof you are a student.


Undergraduates will not be accepted for Final Coaching.


Furnished Registration Form:

You can register via Google Forms.


Payment of Tuition Fee:
Full Payment: PHP 5,000.00

There are no other scheme of payment for Final Coaching.


Proof of Payment:

Scanned image of your deposit slip (if photo; please make sure it is in high resolution and not pixelated), or a screenshot of your online bank successful transaction. Also please ensure that your image is in proper perspective and not skewered or angled.


NOTE: we only accept "successful transaction" NOT "processing" NOR "being processed".


Signature Specimen:

In the case you can't place your signature specimen in the Registration Form you can submit it in .jpg or .png format to the e-mail listed below.


By submitting your signature specimen or signing the PDF form it equally translates that you have read and understand in full and agree to the Policy Guideline for students issued by Pioneer Educational Review Center before enrolling. You will comply with their rules and standard regulations and fully understand the penalties involved should you fail to follow them.


STEP 2: Submit all requirements to our e‐mail at If enrolling at the office, you will be assisted by our staff at the counter and cashier.


STEP 3: Wait for our confirmation. It usually takes two working days to process. If you submitted on a weekend, expect the two working days beginning on Monday. If enrolling in person for Face to Face classes please check in with our staff for availability or free slots for F2F.


Ruling on Discounts

All forms of discounts do not apply to final coaching.


What you need to join our Online Review Program

For the time being, all Final Coaching Only classes will be held online.

  • A stable reliable internet connection.
  • A Zoom account to attend live stream lectures.
  • A Google account to receive review handouts through Google Drive.
  • A Facebook account to receive notifications regarding the review. All zoom invites will be deployed through your respective Facebook Group.